The Future of Robots and Robotics

Robotics as a term refers to the process of designing and manufacturing robots according to the changing needs of the industry. Fields like engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence mostly contribute to this industry’s base. However, this term’s concept has come through many changes. Nowadays, it is easily relatable to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and other touch-based technologies.

Scope of studying robotics

Here’s the broader picture of the scope of studying robotics:

1. Improved Innovation

Robotics in the future would be interdisciplinary, meaning they could be applied to any field of knowledge. These being backed up with bulk sources of knowledge and information, can further improve the growth of other technologies by being employed in those fields. Equipped with computerized vision and natural language processing, these can easily understand your requirements, respond to them, and produce the required output in a usable time, all within a matter of minutes. 

This problem-solving skill and innovation would put these robots in high demand in every field. With the interconnectivity of this technology, the time taken to resolve issues faced in the medical, technological, financial, or any other sector would be less than earlier. Hence, studying robotics gives me a chance to be a part of innovative technology too.

2. Assured Assistance

There is a misconception that robots will replace many jobs, which is wrong. Robots come of great help as assistants, especially (cobots- collaborative robots). Robotics as a subject deals a lot with resolving mundane tasks, handling repetitive jobs with less pressure, auditing, and fraud detection. Each of these jobs is handled with half the time taken by humans. As a result, learning the subject could also enhance the time taken for task completion.

3. Better Job Opportunities

Learning robotics will be an add-on to your career journey, expanding the spectrum of opportunities in front of you. Though robots replace human jobs, the maintenance of robots is something that should be done manually. This is indeed one of the highest-paying and demanding careers that would run the field for the coming decades. On the whole, the scope of studying robotics lowers the pressure put on the employees and allows them to invest their time in other research and developmental activities.

Predicting the Future of Robotics

Being an expansive technology that is likely to conquer every field, here are some predictions about robotics that might come true in the future:

Personal Assistance

It’s hard to believe but a dream come true moment when we realise that we’ll soon be having robots as our assistants. In other words, they’d not just be in charge of obeying our commands, but also make our daily work smart. This could be anything from creating household lists to driving assistance, to even assisting at office work, in a smarter way than humans do. In addition, it would also act as a guard when the home is left unattended and you’re away. These robots backed up with emotional intelligence, speech, and face recognition are guaranteed to take care of your dear ones.

Workspace Automation

It isn’t likely true that there would be the elimination of many professions with the coming of robotics. There would be a much closer relationship between the employees and the robots, wedging the gap in their productivity and offering quick and simple solutions to their workplace issues. As a result, the planning, decision-making, and success rate of the employees would be doubled with comparatively fewer errors.

Medical Assistants

The medical field is one of those areas where there is a high demand for robotics and allied technology. One of the major game-changing moments that would happen in the hospitals is that the physiotherapies would happen through exoskeletons who’d ease up the physical stress for paraplegics. In addition, nanobots that would come into the picture would also assist with complex surgeries and procedures.

Environmental Services

Have you ever thought of emergency evacuations and rescues during natural disasters and adventurous activities? This job would now be taken up by robots who would replace the humans at the job and reduce their health risks and life threats by far. Even scientists have predicted that there would be more explorations like on Mars and the establishment of human presence too.

Hospitality Assistance

Robotics will play a huge role in the hospitality sector. While cooking and serving seem to be an interesting job, managing them together always seems to be a Herculean task. With robots employed at restaurants and hotels, the two jobs can be well-balanced. In other words, it would help in the evaluation of customer satisfaction and would give them the fullest customer experience together.

Smart City Planning

City planning and expansion is something that takes longer than expected. Leaving it to robotics would be a wiser idea that would lead to the growth of cities to megacities and speed up urbanization. Similarly, there would be automation in mandatory areas like traffic, waste management, architecture, and space management. 

Employment assistance

Ever imagined robots at the front desk, as butlers, or guides? Well, this is going to be the next level of employment, the scope of studying robotics would be clearly explained through its theories and practicalities as to how they would replace the human receptionists, housekeeping staff, and chefs. Even better, you may also find good assistance at the airports, more specifically at the baggage scanning counters to examine the baggage securely.

Benefits of Robotics

Here are some of the advantages of robots:

1. Work in hazardous environments

Unlike humans, the risks at robotics are trained to work under hazardous atmospheres with zero risks. This also means that the organization doesn’t have to pay any compensation for the physical loss or injuries, and instead settle for a smaller repair cost.

2. Cost-effectiveness

Robots are unpaid employees who can get your work done in a matter of hours without stress, reference material, or payments. You also need not spend any extra money on their paid leaves, medical insurance, or reimbursements. Isn’t that a wise thing to do?

3. Better productivity

Unlike humans who get bored at repetitive tasks, robots can work on the tasks, no matter how mundane they are. They also tackle the issues faced during work within half the time and resume work.

4. Quality assurance

Robots are better than humans when it comes to qualitative work. With them, the quantity and quality of work are always top-notch. Therefore, there is no question of redoing or the clients being unsatisfied with the quality of work.

Disadvantages of Robotics

While introducing robotics is something interesting as an add-on technology, there are some limitations in the technology as well.

1. Job and Opportunity Loss

Though not completely true, robots may take away a major part of the job roles of employees in an organization. Hypothetically taking a situation where an organization compares the task efficiency of a human and robots, and finds the latter more proficient, then humans may be replaced. However, the accuracy could be better here. Hence, the scope for opportunities is one of the major concerns.

2. High Investment Costs

While investing in robots is a surplus to your company, the question that remains is- will there be consistent or equal returns expected. Moreover, with the robots in action completing the tasks before the given timeframe, an equally faster result or returns of investments are expected. One of the financial benefits that reduces the investment costs is that there will be a repayment schedule available which allows you to pay only for the duration that you’ve used the robots. The input-to-output ratio and the total expenses for the number of robots need to be added precisely while calculating the expenditure to reduce the cost of investment.

3. Soaring maintenance costs

Most of the time, the maintenance cost of robots are more exorbitant than the purchase cost. This calls for the need of a person employed to maintain them. Consequently, the salary of the person employed is way higher and sometimes, is found unaffordable by the organization. Even if you hire an employee onboard, there needs to be a guarantee taken beforehand on their skillset and performance. Instead, it is better to connect with an automation company that can assure you with long-term assistance.

How to start a career in robotics?

The best way to start a career in robotics is to start with a bachelor’s degree which makes you an eligible candidate.  Your bachelor’s degree could be in any of the following subjects- Electrical/electronics engineering, Mechanical engineering, Computer science, Mathematics, Design and technology, or Computing and programming. However, it is considerably good if you could get a degree in the latter as it counts more. Though skills matter in a career, the base also counts equally.

What are the impacts of Robots in the Future?

The future impact of robots in future is that they will be assisting in every small aspect of life, which can also be considered as a form of assistance. This means that we could take up more work and increase our productivity without making it a strenuous part of our job.

Also, learning to interact with the robots, understanding their working style, and their effectiveness at work could show a positive impact on our work patterns leading to an increase in productivity. The best part is that this addition would also remove some of the obsolete technologies and replace them with something finer and better. Rather than losing their jobs, most employees would also be able to learn and become a part of the technological revolution that they thought they’d never be able to. 

In the longer run, experienced employees with maintenance and training knowledge in robotics could earn more over the years.

Are robots likely to replace humans?

With robotics and the impact of AI compiled in many fields, there would be a rise in sensory technology development. They would also replace mundane tasks in warehouses, restaurants, and at clothing retailers, allowing employees to destress. From being caretakers at home, to manufacturing jobs, robots would become a hands-on support. But no, they wouldn’t ever be a complete replacement for humans. Hence, studying robotics would be an added advantage which would be more of a ‘train the trainer’ role, as you must understand that robots are a human-made technology that might come with errors.

To Conclude

The scope of studying robotics is wide and creates room for many job opportunities that would be in high demand in the future. Also, this is one field that is well-paid and recognized with the advent of artificial intelligence. Therefore, it is ideal to keep up with robotics, learn deeply about the technology, and grab the most demanding jobs.


1. Is robotics a good career?

Yes, robotics is one of the most profitable careers with plenty of opportunities to learn and earn together.

2. Which is better, AI or robotics?

Considering robotics as an upgraded course, AI would act as a base for it. AI covers all the aspects like machine learning, and engineering which must be known while employed in robotics.

3. What is the future of AI in robotics?

With AI employed in robotics, robots will be given specifications about completing tasks more precisely and in a detailed manner.

4. Will AI replace robotics engineers?

AI will never replace any jobs fully. No matter how much artificial intelligence is introduced, there will always be a human employed to control them.

5. Is robotics in high demand?

Yes, robotics is in high demand and so are skilled roboticists who can contribute to increased productivity and efficiency.